The non-employee business expense website can be found by clicking HERE.

All non-employee reimbursements (travel and non-travel) need to be completed and submitted using the Non-Employee Business Expense Form.

Completing the non-employee business expense form:

  • Fill in the information in the date, address, non-employee, and SSN fields
  • Complete the explanation of business purpose section
  • Complete the summary of expenses section
    • All receipts should be taped down on all 4 sides with tape and should not be overlapping. Do not staple anything
    • All receipts should have a clear description written next to the (i.e. Dinner on 12/1/07, taxi from airport to meeting, etc.)
    • For meal reimbursements, you must have the itemized receipt to reimburse the expense
  • Complete the expense analysis section
    • Business unit is “1200”
    • Use appropriate account code (link to account code chart)
    • Dept ID is “000000”
    • Project is your grant number
    • Physician ID should be left blank
    • Activity ID should be left blank
    • Resource Type should be left blank
  • Complete the payee attestation section and have non-employee sign
  • Complete the approval section if necessary

When you have completed the non-employee business expense form and received all of the receipts, you then submit an eCheck request through the eCheck module in PeopleSoft.

In order to submit an eCheck request, you must be enrolled in. To enroll, click HERE, and follow the instructions.

For a more details on allowable amounts, please refer to the business expense policy by clicking HERE.

Available Documents

Non-Employee Business Expense Form

Account Codes