Benjamin M. Neale, PhD

Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School
Associate Investigator, Massachusetts General Hospital

Focus Areas in the Genomic Medicine Cycle
Major leadership positions

Director, Genomics of Public Health Initiative Co-Director, Medical and Populations Genetics Director, Genetics, Stanley Center for Psychiatric Disease

MGH Department/Division


MGH Unit(s)

Analytic and Translational Genetics Unit


Scalable genomic analysis to learn the biological mechanisms of complex diseases.

The Neale lab focuses on uncovering the genetic risk factors of common disease, in particular through international collaboration to diversify the global representation of study participants, as well as the research community involved in such efforts. We develop statistical methods and computational tools to enable efficient and scalable analysis of the growing datasets available in genetic sequencing studies. While the approaches we develop are broadly applicable to any disease or trait, we have a strong commitment to making progress on psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism and ADHD.

Priority Projects

  1. Schizophrenia Exome Sequencing Meta-Analysis (SCHEMA) – a global collaborative to generate, aggregate and harmonize sequence data to advance gene discovery for schizophrenia.
  2. Bipolar Exome (BipEx) collaboration — leveraged exome sequencing in over 14,000 cases to identify AKAP11 as definitive risk gene for bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.
  3. Populations Underrepresented in Mental Illness Association Studies (PUMAS) – an international collaboration to discover the genetic risk factors of severe mental illness in Africa and admixed populations of the Americas.
  4. Hail – a cloud-native toolkit for scalable genetic analysis (

Lab Members

Cerrato, Feleciafcerrato [ [@] ] broadinstitute.orgAssociate Director, Neurobiology Projects
Chapman, Sinéadoleary [@] broadinstitute.orgDirector, Global Genetics Project Management
Chau, Grantgchau [@] broadinstitute.orgComputational Associate I
Chen, Siweisiwei [@] broadinstitute.orgResearch Fellow
Churchhouse, Clairecchurch [@] broadinstitute.orgSenior Advisor II
Cummings, Patrickpcumming [@] broadinstitute.orgComputational Associate II
Cusick, Carolineccusick [@] broadinstitute.orgProject Manager II
Goldstein, Danieldgoldste [@] broadinstitute.orgSoftware Engineer
Goldstein, Jackiejigold [@] broadinstitute.orgSenior Software Engineer - Technical Lead
Gupta, Rahulrgupta22 [@] Graduate Student
Hammond, Carlachammond [@] broadinstitute.orgProgram Manager
Howrigan, Danhowrigan [@] broadinstitute.orgResearcher - Group Leader - Data Group
Ivankovic, Franjofivankov [@] broadinstitute.orgResearch Fellow
King, Dandking [@] broadinstitute.orgAssociate Director
Lazarev, Danieldlazarev [@] broadinstitute.orgGraduate Student
Liao, Calcliao [@] broadinstitute.orgResearch Fellow
Lu, Wenhanwlu [@] broadinstitute.orgComputational Associate II
Nkambule, Lindolnkambul [@] broadinstitute.orgComputational Associate II
Olivares-Veira, Anaaolivare [@] broadinstitute.orgProject Manager II
Poterba, Tim tpoterba [@] broadinstitute.orgPrincipal Software Engineer - Technical Lead
Rademacher, Irisirademac [@] broadinstitute.orgAssociate Software Engineer
Ripatti, Samulisripatti [@] broadinstitute.orgResearcher
Schultz, Patrickpschulz [@] broadinstitute.orgSenior Software Engineer
Sealock, Juliajsealock [@] broadinstitute.orgResearch Fellow
Seed, Cottoncseed [@] broadinstitute.orgSenior Advisor, Hail
Vittal, Chriscvittal [@] broadinstitute.orgSoftware Engineer
Walters, Raymondrwalters [@] broadinstitute.orgResearcher - Group Leader - Methods Group
Ye, Bobrye [@] broadinstitute.orgComputational Associate I
Yohannes, Marymyohanne [@] broadinstitute.orgComputational Associate II
Zhou, Weiwzhou [@] broadinstitute.orgInstructor in Investigation
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