Booking Simches 3rd Floor and Other Conference Rooms

To book Simches 3rd floor (MGH-RSMG) and other conference rooms at the main campus, please visit the online conference room scheduling site.

If you’ve never used the MGH Scheduling link before or receive an error message deny access, please email and request access to the scheduling site.

If you are experiencing any difficulties with the EMS system or need additional assistance such as access to RSMG booking site, please email the following group for guidance:

For information on conference rooms in the Simches building, please download the Simches Conference Room Information Chart.

To view images of conference rooms in the Simches building, please download Simches Conference Room Photos.

If you need of a projector for your meeting in the Simches building, please reach out to Caitlin Peterson to reserve. Please note that only CGM Faculty and employees can reserve the projector.

Available Documents

Simches Conference Room Information Chart
Simches Conference Room Photos