Please see the document, “Safety Training for Lab Environments”, for an overview of the requirements for safety training.
If you have any questions regarding safety or training, please contact Jim Mull.
Available Documents
Safety Training for Lab Environments |
Safety Organization
- MGH Safety Committee Slides
- Research Safety Committee
- Policy & Procedures
- Chiefs & PIs
- Safety Coordinators
- Lab Personnel
- Safety Bulletins
Safety Training
Safety Manual
- Your guide to the safety policies at Mass General Hospital
Lab Safety Rounds
Starting in 2014 all lab spaces will be surveyed annually.
Emergency Services
Emergency Response:
911 or 6-5400
MGH Emergency Dept: 4-4100
MGH Emergency Operator: 6-2090
Poison Center:
Emergency Conditions and
Severe Weather Hotline: 866-798-8402
Fire & Life Safety
Special Hazards
- Biosafety – MGH
- Biosafety – Partners IBC
- Chemical Safety
- Human Subjects
- Laser Safety
- Radiation Safety
- Waste Management
Safety Resources
- Environmental Health & Safety
- Research Compliance
- Incident Reporting
- Safety Data Sheets
Login: MGH // PW: MGH
Support Services
- Buildings and Grounds
- Environmental Services
- Occupational Health
- Police and Security
- Research Administrator on Call: 617-726-4692