Focus Areas in the Genomic Medicine Cycle
Major leadership positions

Chief of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Department of Neurology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Associate Chair, Department of Neurology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Co-PI, Machine Learning for Health, Broad Institute

Director, Program in Data Neuroscience, Brigham and Women’s Hospital

MGH Department

Department of Neurology


Dr. Anderson’s lab uses genetics and machine learning to study brain health.

Dr. Anderson has devoted his career to developing and leveraging computational methods to define biological mechanisms involved in cerebrovascular disease, with the ultimate goal of driving improvements in care through identification of novel treatment targets and implementation of precision strategies to guide primary and secondary prevention. A strong advocate for team-based science and career development, Dr. Anderson has cultivated extensive collaborations within the International Stroke Genetics Consortium and the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, where he is an Associate Member in the Program in Medical and Population Genetics and the Machine Learning For Health (ML4H) team.

Priority Projects

  1. We are co-leading a genome-wide association study of intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and cerebral small vessel disease in multi-ethnic populations.
  2. We are working to understand the biological mechanisms underlying ICH genetic associations to guide discovery of novel treatments.
  3. We are developing clinical and genetic tools to quantify the risk of future ICH and improve the brain health of ICH survivors.
  4. We are developing new biomarkers for brain health using multidimensional electronic health record data in real-world populations.

Lab Members

Kimball, Tamaratkimballdesantiago [@] mgh.harvard.eduResearch Fellow
Prapiadou, Savvinasprapiadou [@] mgh.harvard.eduResearch Fellow
Tack, Reinierrtack [@] mgh.harvard.eduResearch Fellow
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