Focus Areas in the Genomic Medicine Cycle
Major leadership positions

Director, Molecular Neurogenetics Unit

Associate Member, Broad Institute

Principal Faculty, Harvard Stem Cell Institute

MGH Unit(s)

Molecular Neurogenetics Unit

MGH Dept/Division/Unit(s)

Neurology and Pediatrics
Movement Disorders
Pediatric Neurology


Genetics of disease from gene discovery through pathogenesis, prediction and treatment.

Dr. Gusella’s laboratory is currently pursuing collaborative studies at all stages of the genetic research cycle aimed at discovering genes that cause, predispose to or modify neurological and behavioral disorders or caused abnormal development in subjects with balanced chromosomal aberrations and developmental phenotypes, delineating mechanisms of pathogenesis and modifiers in Huntington’s disease, the neurofibromatosis, and autism and exploring the potential for mechanism-based treatments.

Priority Projects

  1. Identification and characterization of genetic modifiers of all stages of Huntington’s disease
  2. Characterization of the effects of genetic variation on potential therapeutic approaches to Huntington’s disease
  3. Modeling of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders in human iPSC-derived cells
  4. Molecular mechanisms of pathogenesis in neurofibromatosis

Lab Members

Lucente, Dianedlucente [@] partners.orgGenetic Counselor Manager
McLean, Zachariah (Zach)zmclean [@] mgh.harvard.eduResearch Fellow
Chicas, Jaylajruliera [@] mgh.harvard.eduResearch Technologist
Silva, Alexandra Barrassoamsilva1 [@] partners.orgProject Coordinator
Lab/Contact Telephone


Primary Email