Focus Areas in the Genomic Medicine Cycle
Major leadership positions

Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Institute Member, Broad Institute

MGH Department/Division

Molecular Biology

MGH Unit(s)

Mitochondrial Medicine Unit


The long-term goals of the Mootha Laboratory are to combine the new tools of genomics and systems biology with classic biochemistry to investigate mitochondrial bioenergetics, evolution, and disease.

Priority Projects

  1. Diversity of the mitochondrial proteome across organs and organisms.
  2. Investigating mtDNA variation: from single-cells to biobank-scale
  3. Harnessing hypoxia as a novel therapeutic approach to mitochondrial disease
  4. Developing new genetic tools for investigating energy metabolism

Lab Members

Betsinger, Coracbetsinger [@] mgh.harvard.eduPostdoctoral Fellow
Bratchikov, Stanislavsbratchi [@] broadinstitute.orgComputational Associate
Calvo, Sarahscalvo [@] partners.orgSenior Computational Biologist
Chan, Conniecchan29 [@] mgh.harvard.eduLaboratory Technician
Chen, Michaelmichaelzhuchan [@] hms.harvard.eduGraduate Student
Deng, Feliciafgdeng [@] mgh.harvard.eduLaboratory Technician
Dong, Fangcongdong [@] molbio.mgh.harvard.eduResearch Scientist
Durham, Timothytdurham [@] mgh.harvard.eduComputational Biologist
Grabarek, Zenongrabarek [@] molbio.mgh.harvard.eduResearch Scientist
Gupta, Rahulrgupta [@] mgh.harvard.eduGraduate Student
Hakimjee, Sarrahshakimje [@] broadinstitute.orgResearch Technician
Hercher, Thomasthercher [@] mgh.harvard.eduPostdoctoral Fellow
Issa, Tianaissa [@] molbio.mgh.harvard.eduLaboratory Technician
Joshi, Pallaviprjoshi [@] mgh.harvard.eduGraduate Student
Kiim, Minsoomkim80 [@] mgh.harvard.eduResearch Scientist
Kim, Sharonskim145 [@] mgh.harvard.eduGraduate Student
Kotrys, Annaakotrys [@] mgh.harvard.eduPostdoctoral Fellow
McCoy, Jasonjgmccoy [@] mgh.harvard.eduResearch Scientist
Miranda Vergara, Maria delmmirandavergara [@] mgh.harvard.eduPostdoctoral Fellow
Ng, Fannysng0 [@] mgh.harvard.eduMGH Lab Manager
Ostriker, Naominostrike [@] broadinstitute.orgBroad Lab Manager
Palmisano, Jessicapalmisano [@] molbio.mgh.harvard.eduResearcher / Admin
Pan, Michellepanmiche [@] broadinstitute.orgLaboratory Technician
Park, Hojeong (Bonnie)parkhoke [@] broadinstitute.orgPostdoctoral Fellow
Rao, Sahanasrao18 [@] mgh.harvard.eduPostdoctoral Fellow
Rath, Snehasrath [@] mgh.harvard.eduPostdoctoral Fellow
Robertson, Gabriellagroberts [@] broadinstitute.orgPostdoctoral Fellow
Sharma, Rohitrsharma [@] mgb.orgResearch Scientist
Shull, Henryshull [@] molbio.mgh.harvard.eduClinical Research Coordinator
Stefely, Jonathanjstefely [@] partners.orgPostdoctoral Fellow
Walker, Melissawalker.melissa [@] mgh.harvard.eduPostdoctoral Fellow
Wang, Honghwang68 [@] mgh.harvard.eduResearch Scientist
Ward, Patrickpsward [@] mgb.orgPostdoctoral Fellow
Wellner, Sandrawellner [@] molbio.mgh.harvard.eduPostdoctoral Fellow
Wengrod, Jordanjordan_wengrod [@] dfci.harvard.eduPostdoctoral Fellow
Zhong, Huihzhong [@] broadinstitute.orgPostdoctoral Fellow
Lab/Contact Telephone


Primary Email

vamsi [@]

Lab Website